June 29, 2009
Bucket Hats!

June 21, 2009
CC on Jaime's Precious Peas: Review and Giveaway!

So Lovely , Jacaranda Designs

This beautiful Antique style necklace could be yours!! It is being given away by Jacaranda Designs. Go see her Giveaway HERE.
Also, I had to show off these beautiful Earrings. There are so many things in this shop that are just beautiful! I could see myself wearing all of it! These were one of my very favorites.
Sweet Pea Cream Pearl Vintage Style Earrings

June 19, 2009
Featured Seller: Me! Cantaloupe Corner

Tell me a bit about your shop and your creations: I design shirts for little ones and thier moms. I do dye remover stencils and appliques. I make my own designs and hand cut each stencil (seriously). I started making my stenciled shirts about 2 years ago. I started making shirts for my boys and then for my friends and family’s children. Then it hit me, “maybe other people would love these shirts as much as I do!” So, I started my Etsy shop so that other people could enjoy them too. I just added appliqués to my shop and I am having so much fun coming up with new designs. So FUN!
Any time saving tips for juggling a business and motherhood? I take advantage of every second of the day. If I find five extra minutes I’ll quickly take care of something that needs to be done. I also do as much as I can while my kids are asleep.
Fun Stuff:
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? I can’t resist a hot cup of cocoa with mini marshmallows in the winter, in the summertime I opt for herb tea, strawberry is my fave!
I am addicted to…. Besides etsy? I’m addicted to brownies! I am a hopeless chocoholic. I also am addicted to “projects”. I always have to be busy doing something.
If you could have one super power…. I would read minds. Just think of the possibilities!
If I were to catch you grooving it would be to… Depending on the day of the week it would be Jack Johnson, Mae, or some other laid back “chillin’” music, or almost anything on the classic rock station (Led Zepplin, and Heart are my faves). When I’m with my kids we jam to silly songs about trains (check out “Choo Choo Soul”, it’s great).
June 18, 2009
Drum Roll Please. . . And the Winner is. . .
Now without further ado. . . The winner is. . .
Erica said: "I love so many of your designs, so it's hard to pick just one. I think the Fleur de Lis and the Future Rocket Scientist are my favorites....oh, and the swirly cupcake onesie!"
Congrats Erica! You are the proud new owner of a Cantaloupe Corner original!
For everyone else, I will be doing more giveaways in the future so keep checking back! Thanks for making my first giveaway a success!
Featured Seller: Sassy Stampin Divas

Tell me a bit about your shop and your creations: My mom and I started our Etsy shop in January called Sassy Stampin Divas. Even though we have only been on Etsy a few months we have actually been in business for about a year and a half. Prior to starting our Etsy shop we began our website http://www.sassystampindivas.com/
The Sassy Stampin Divas specializes in designing digital scrapbook pages and photo birth announcements. Together my mom and me were creating a personal digital scrapbook page and found that we seemed to have a knack for digital scrapbooking. With our new found hobby I thought, hey I think we can make a business out of this. So from there our scrapbook service business was started for those of you that would like to have a scrapbook but don’t have the time to create one for yourself. As our business ideas progressed we decided to expand into creating photo birth announcements. We feel that Etsy is a great way to reach out and find new exciting customers for our business, so that is when we launched our Etsy shop.
June 17, 2009
Last Day to Join the Giveaway!
June 16, 2009
Featured Seller: Nilma Hunter Creations
Tell me a bit about your mommy life:I am a home schooling mom of a 15 year old girl (9th gr). On July 2008 I quit my 12 year job to focus on my teenager. It has been the best decision; I never thought it would be so easy to adapt to a full time mom position.

Tell me a bit about your shop and your creations:Lately I haven’t had much time for my shop;

Any time saving tips for juggling a business and motherhood?Lol, Go to sleep with the chickens and wake up with them.

Fun Stuff:
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? Coffee in the morning, tea before bed and hot chocolate when it’s cold (never in Hawaii)
I am addicted to. . . Jesus and craft shows.
If you could have one super power….I would be with my mom, dad, my husband and daughter every day. My mom and dad live in Brazil.
If I were to catch you grooving it would be to…Worship music
June 14, 2009
Featured Seller: Chicken Tattoo

Tell me a bit about your mommy life: My mommy life is amazing! Peyton is 10 months old and doing something new and exciting every day. During the day I work full time for an architect and then rush home to see Peyton at night. She’s an amazing little girl who always keeps me happy and laughing. Motherhood is truly awesome!

June 13, 2009
I'm in love with appliques *sigh*

I have always wanted to do those cutesie little applique shirts and onesies that sell for a million dollars on the internet and in little boutiques. They are darling!
It is time to add a new, exciting, element to Cantaloupe Corner. And since I vowed that I would keep my shop lead free (which basically means No paint or dye) I decided on appliques!
I've been sewing most of my life so it was the obvious choice :)
Here are my first ones I posted in my shop. Printed appliques! No paint or ink involved here. The designs show up where I have removed the color from the fabric!
I still giggle everytime I finish one of these. It's like MAGIC!

Tea Party Onesie

Dino Onesie
I love this one. It is a cupcake done on cute pink Amy Butler Fabric. Almost sweet enough to eat!

Floral Swirly Cupcake Onesie
(my new fave!)
June 12, 2009
Whippy Cake Sweetness

-Whippy Cake Charm & Earrings of your choice
-Wipey Case
-Flip Flops in your choice of color & size
-Twilight pendant or Bracelet
-Bib & Burpie Set {Girl}
-Rag Doll
-$25 Whippy Cake Credit
-50% off 1 Item
And here is her Etsy Shop full of great items for babies and mommies!
Featured Seller: Wovenstones

Tell me a bit about your mommy life:I have one son who is now 15. I have always been a stay at home mom and in the last 5 years I have been a stay at home homeschooling mom. After our first year I realized that my son didn’t need me hanging over his shoulder when he did his schoolwork that I had better find something to busy myself with while I stayed near to help him when he needed it. Voila, jewelry making came into my life! A homeschooling mom in my support group was seedbeading, she taught me what she knew, I was hooked and it has just taken off from there.
Fun Stuff:
June 10, 2009
Featured Seller: Ozark Scents Candle Co.
Fun Stuff:
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? Coffee
I am addicted to….coffee, internet, That 70's Show LOL
If you could have one super power….invisibility, wouldn't it be nice to be invisible sometimes!
If I were to catch you grooving it would be to…anything from the 60's…Zeppelin, CCR, Beatles and 90's bands like STP, GNR, Nirvana. I am a music lover however so I like a little bit of everything. I also listen to kids bop cds a lot! LOL

June 9, 2009
Cherry Blossom Shirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
That's right.: GIVEAWAY!
I want to thank all of my friends, fans, and followers (MY FFF's) for loving Cantaloupe Corner enough to check out my blog and give me some feedback on what YOU want!
So here it goes. . .
I'm giving away this beautiful "Cherry Blossom" shirt in your choice of color: Red (as shown), Pink, or Black. (comes in XS, S, M, L and XL)

(I don't have picture of finished pink or black shirts but here are the DownEast Basic shirts that I use in pink and black. )

Because of the process I use, the design will be cream colored on the black shirt and white on the pink shirt.
Now, how do you put your name in the pot?
All you have to do is leave me a comment on this post with your favorite item from Cantaloupe Corner! That's it! And you don't get extra credit for saying the cherry blossom shirt is your fave :) sorry.
Earn an extra entry by:
1. Posting this giveaway on your own blog
2. Posting it on twitter! (Let me know where it's posted!)
3. Making a purchase in my Etsy shop.
4. Follow my blog!
This contest ends at 12:59pm (Arizona Time) on Wednesday June 17th. Winner will be RANDOMLY chosen on Thursday June 18th. Good Luck Everyone!