Update on my very first booth:
I had so much fun doing Eagar Daze with my dad. It was a bit awkward selling kids and women's tees along side my dad who sold manly, politically incorrect bullet belt buckles. I had a great time though. I didn't sell as much as I had anticipated but I got my feet wet and now I'm ready to conquer the craft show world!
Here's the money shot of little ol' me, chillin' in my booth, sporting my new favorite tee (and my favorite bullet belt buckle.) I worked over time to make 72 tees for Eagar Daze! Hand-stencilling every single one. Needless to say, I was totally exhausted.

The best part by far was this:

A genuine, bonafide, old west shootout! Here are the bandits and the law-men. My dear ol' dad is the second from the left in the brown cowboy hat. He got to play the marshall and save yours truly from an unruly varmint named Black River Bart. I got robbed, shot at and taken hostage!! Busy day.
(They only told me I'd get robbed, the rest was all improvised, surprise!) Bullet blanks are a heck of a lot louder and scarier up close!

We are already planning out new ideas for next years Eagar Daze celebration. Maybe I'll buy a cowboy hat so I can look like one of the old west bandits. . . or maybe not.