Why is it that the day after Halloween all of a sudden candy looses it's appeal and I no longer have a desire to seek out the strange and the frightening.
Halloween was a blast! When you have two little ones to dress up (as pirates!) the fun never ends!
But now that Halloween is over, I'm looking forward to making
pumpkin pie from the
beloved decorated pumpkins my kids brought home from the pumpkin patch.
mmmmmm. I can smell it now.
And did I mention that I am a bit of a
turkey fanatic? Fresh from the oven, roasted, juicy, sweet, turkey!
So, in honor of upcoming Turkey Day, here are some new favorite "turkey", and "Turkey Day" things.

I love the vintagey print of this adorable baby bib. This would be perfect for that little one's first thanksgiving (or second, or third.) This bib is by

I just had to throw this one in the mix. What is it? A sucker turkey! My mom had one of these when I was just a kid and every year we would put in on top of the TV but we weren't allowed to eat the suckers. Little did mom know that we would sneak one or two every year. (OK she knew, but we thought we were pretty slick). I think some of the suckers were like 8 years old! eeew. This turkey was made by

Look at those cute little eyes and that smile. You couldn't eat a real turkey drumstick that looked at you like this. I don't know what I would do with a stuffed drumstick but it sure is cute!
This drumstick was made by

I love this turkey sihouette "cupboard print". It is festive and sophisticated.
Print by
Need funky thanksgiving jewelry? Check out this "Peace, Love, Turkey" pendant by

Great idea for the kids on Thanksgiving day when the adults are sitting around talking about the football game and how much they ate. Some Turkey Crayons and paper will be just the thing! (by

I think this one in my favorite! Do you have a little chef that loves to help you cook Thanksgiving dinner? How adorable is this Turkey Day apron and Chef hat? I love it! Cute colors and patterns and it's available in sizes 12 months to 10 years.

And last but definately not least are these adorably ugly turkey earrings. I'm speechless. . .
( earrings by
mmm, now I'm craving pumpkin pie and turkey. (To eat, not to wear, silly!)