Happy New Year!
2010 is here and at Cantaloupe Corner are anticipating a fabulous, fantastic, fun filled year with heaps of new products and more exciting stuff!
What's happening this year?
Here are some of our goals for 2010:
1.Open up Cantaloupe Blossoms on Etsy! (I am sooo excited about this!) It's going to be all my favorite accessories, including Blossom Headbands and Clips! I'll start adding item this month! Can't wait!!!!
2. New designs! (I've got some fun ones in the works right now! I can't wait to see how they turn out!)
3. Expand our size selection to include bigger kid's sizes!
4. Craft Shows! (For all you locals. I'll let you know dates and times)
5. Organize and streamline our product lines. (Out with the old, in with the bold!)
6. Organize and set up our new work area. We've graduated from the cramped dining room to having an entire office dedicated to CC!
7. Create, Create, Create! (I dream about this part every night,*sigh*)
8. (The most important) Find more time to spend with my sweet little boys. They are the reason I started CC in the first place.
Now it's written down and everyone has seen it so I can't take any of these back. :)
I hope you all have the best year EVER!
My motto for this year: Don't wait around for things to happen to you. Make them happen!