May 1, 2010

I'm loving it. . .

Things I'm loving:

CRAFTY  FAVE: Amy Butler Fabric. Every yard of it is stunning, modern, fun, funky, unique. . .  I'm a sucker for her fabrics and the colors combos are fabulous! Amy Butler is my fabric obsession!
 I used her grey and white tumble roses fabric on my drum light tutorial (click here to see it)

JUNK FOOD FAVE: Pepsi Throwback: I've always been a Pepsi fan and since the Throwback is made with real sugar and not High Fructose Corn Syrup it tastes better and I feel a teensy bit less guilty about drinking it. mmmm.  And it goes great with peanut butter M&M's. Not that I would know.

HOME DECOR FAVE:  Black and white, damask prints, and chandeliers.  If only I had the time and money to re-vamp my home. . .  I would have a stunning crystal chandelier and dramaticly bold black and white prints. I'll add that to my to-do list.

ECO FRIENDLY FAVES:  Re-usable snack bags (Wee Pereas) and cloth diapers (Bum Genius)!
I love my Wee Pereas bags! I use them all the time and I don't feel bad about throwing away plastic baggies. And the Bum Genius diapers are, well, genius! They adjust from newborn to about 2 years old. I bought a couple of these and modeled my homemade diapers after them. If you are looking into cloth diapering, I highly recommend Bum Genius. They are easy to use and easy to clean and they come in vibrant colors like orange, blue, lime green, pink, and yellow!
 FOOTWEAR FAVE: Cutesy flip flips! I adore designs with fabric flowers. Here in AZ we wear flip flops all rear round. They are a fashion and comfort MUST HAVE.
These cute floral flops are from J. Crew.

HAIR FAVE: Beyond the Zone's Noodle Head Curling Cream.  I have naturally curly hair and this "hair goop" (as my son calls it) really does revive my curls and even helps keep the frizzies to a minimum. Result: soft springy curls!

TV ALTERNATIVE FAVE: I'm not much of a TV person. But, like all of you, I have my favorite shows that I don't want to miss (but I usually miss them anyways). I don't have TiVo so I use the next best thing: Hulu.
I find the newest episodes of some of my favorite shows and watch them in my office while I work. Fave shows right now:  Glee and House!
I was a major choir nerd in high school and college and I was in our school's "Glee Club" (a.k.a. Show Choir.) I still have moments where I grab my hair brush microphone and dance around the house with my kids. (If you could only see. . .  I'm such a nerd.)
Naturally, I love Glee!

These are just a handful of things I'm loving in my life right now. What are you loving?


  1. Ah, I am in love with many of those too! I just splurge on every color way of the AB full moons dots :) Now I am on a one month fabric diet though!
    I love hulu too, or we watch desperate housewives on
    I love my snack bags too :)
    Ok, of course i do but thanks so much for adding my snack bags to your fav list! It truley made my day!


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