August 11, 2010

Squeaky Clean Place Mats - Easy Tutorial

Squeaky Clean Kids Placemats

What do you need?

Fabric and Thread-preferably sturdy cotton
Clear plastic/vinyl  (You can use an old shower curtain, or pick some up from Wal-Mart or your favorite fabric store. It is sold on gigantic rolls. The thinner vinyl is easier on your sewing machine.)
Scissors, Pins, & Sewing Machine

 1. Cut your fabric to the size of your placemat + 1/2 inch per side for seam allowance. I wanted a 12 x16 mat so I cut my fabric to be 13 x 17. You need 2 rectangles of fabric and one of vinyl.

 2. Layer. Sandwich the vinyl between the fabric. Right sides of the fabric go inside.

 3. Pin your layers together to prevent them from slipping.

 4. Sew the edges,  leaving a 4 to 5 inch opening on one of the sides.

 5. Trim the edges and corners.

 6. Turn right side out.

 7. Tuck and pin the opening so it matches the other sides. Top stitch all the way around, close to the edge.

Easy, right?   Now go make some more to match!

Easy to wipe clean when your kids get them messy. And when they get really messy, handwash and air dry.

Before you sew your layers together you can add appliques, patchwork, names, or whatever you want to the top layer.  

 I kept mine simple, but the possibilities are endless!



  1. Very cute! I think I might have to try these! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Um, genius! I totally need these now that my toddler is boycotting the highchair and wants to sit at the table. Thanks!


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