August 25, 2010

Doily - licious

Remember how doilies used to get a bad rap for only hanging out in old folks homes or only coming out at Christmas time?

The doily is back and they are everywhere.

(And I suddenly have the desire to put them on everything. )

This morning, How About Orange put up a collection of simple  doily projects. I am in love with all of them and I am pretty sure that I need to go buy some more doilies today.

I am in love with this one in paticular from :

Doily stencils? How cool is that?!
The whole tutorial is available here.

Need some more doily awesomeness? How about something for your naked kitchen table.
What better way to dress it up than with doilies!

I know what you're thinking. You have to have one!
Go hit up your grandma, or local yard sales for some vintage doilies or pick some up at your neighborhood craft store and get the tutorial here.


1 comment:

  1. COOL! I love doilies! Imma go check out those projects asap, thanks!

    ~ ~


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