July 28, 2010

{ stick-on whiteboard } updated w/ tutorial.

While walking though the office supply store yesterday I found something I couldn't live without. But I couldn't bring myself to part with a $10 bill just to have it on my studio wall.

It was a stick-on white board!

Yep, just a big ol' green circle. But I loved it so much!

I'm one of those, don't-buy-it-if-you-can-make-it type girls, so I looked it over and went home empty handed.

This morning I put my vinyl cutter to work and made this:

One more step on my road to orginization. YAY!

How to make your own stick-on whiteboard:

1. Cut out your coupon for Joann's or Hobby Lobby.

2. Track down some vinyl. You can usually find "Cri-cut" brand vinyl at the craft stores I listed above, or your local craft store.  (You might even try glossy Con-tact paper, but I haven't tried it yet,so please test it before you hang it.)

3. Cut it in any shape you want using scissors, an x-acto knife, or if you happen to have a vinyl cutter (or if you have a friend with one) you can use that too!
(My whiteboard is about 17 inches long and 12 inches wide.)

4. Peel-and-Stick!

5. Use your dry erase markers on your new white board!

It's so easy!

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