July 9, 2010

Ka-Boom! I'm back!

My favorite time of year is when July comes along and we get to load up our little family and skidaddle out of this blazing heat and spend some time with our family in the cool breezes of the mountians. 

There is something special about small town celebrations.  The parade, picnic, fireworks. . .  It is all so homey, and magical.

I got to create some fun shirts for my boys. The "Patriot in Training" design was a special request for a good friend. I loved the idea and I got to combine screenprinting and scencilling for the first time! I love a good challenge! Thanks Tawni!

I even got to be in the parade! I rode on the back of a four wheeler and threw out candy to hundreds of happy children, all in support of Sue Hall (my amazing MIL) running for Apache County Clerk of Superior Court!
 I don't have pictures and I probably won't bribe my family go get pictures of me sunburned and windblown, so you can use your imagination.

It is great to be back home and back to work. I missed Cantaloupe Corner.
I have the shop doors re-opened for business! YAY!

In honor of Independance Day, I wanted to share some of my very first Fireworks photos!

 I hope everyone had a sparkling 4th of July!


1 comment:

  1. Alright... I want to know what kind of camera you are using!
    And you rocked the challenge! Maybe I need to come up with something else. Thanks so much for the shirts, we LOVE them. Good job crafty!


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